
What are incentives?

Incentives are sales tools: rewards that attract your customers' attention, inspire them to purchase, & motivate them to spend more. 

How do I get started?

It’s easy! First, visit our Network Marketing Tools page to learn more about the tools available to you. Then visit our secure ordering platform to purchase your tools for success.

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How can we help you?

How do they work?

Incentives project value, grab attention, and create interest, driving customers to you instead of someone else. Travel rewards, in particular, provide unique experiences - the surprise and delight kind - that breed customer loyalty and satisfaction.  Want to know more?  View Network Marketing Tools.

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Are there any minimums?

Nope! You can order 1 incentive, 100, or 1,000!

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How do tool kits work?

We offer a variety of value-priced, custom-built kits, saving you 20% to 35% off of our already reduced prices! From the Network Marketing Sampler to the Network Marketing Maximizer, our kits are designed to set you on the fast track to success.View our Network Marketing Tool Kits.

What's the catch?

There is none, that's the best part! You can experiment with different incentives, risk-free, to see which ones work best for you. Learn more about our network marketing tools.

The Sales Incentives Center offers proven and cost-effective programs that are designed to incentivize customers to:

  • Make purchases
  • Enroll with a client’s marketing program
  • Frequent a client’s retail location or website
  • Attend sales presentations

While at the same time helping businesses to:

  • Maximize sales and retention opportunities
  • Improve overall customer conversion, satisfaction and loyalty
  • Create increased traffic and transaction volume
  • Increase renewals
  • Solve customer service issues

Our team is comprised of a senior level management team with deep backgrounds in sales, marketing, development, communications, research, innovation, law and technology. We have helped thousands of companies, and their sales and marketing teams, to improve their bottom line. Our qualified staff offers solid sales incentives programs, advice, strategies, research, applications, and resources for a wide variety of sales initiatives. Our programs are designed to help you move the needle, while lowering your overall costs of acquiring, maintaining and rewarding customer loyalty.

Whether you want to acquire new customers or distributors, increase transactions, drive awareness and revenue, create new recruiting opportunities, or simply maintain longer customer relationships… our innovative and cost effective programs are turn-key and available for immediate implementation. The Sales Incentives Center offers industry-leading, consumer-friendly programs and platforms to achieve your desired short and long-term goals at a cost that you can’t afford to ignore!